Women of Excellence, Women of Faith is a project of the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative, an American 501(c)(3) organization (www.ProsperityandPeace.org).
2020 – 2027 MASTER PLAN
Our seven-year Master Plan is to teach 10 million underprivileged women in America how to become Women of Excellence by using our proprietary curriculum that can help them excel in every area of their lives. We will also teach each woman who is trained how to train 10 others, so our number becomes 100 million Women of Excellence across America by 2027.
We teach women how to:
- Believe in themselves and in their abilities and talents.
- Achieve a level of self-mastery that helps them significantly improve their lives.
- Be loving wives and outstanding mothers.
- Become successful entrepreneurs. They learn how to start and grow their own business (optional).
- Be excellent employees (if they work for others).
- Be confident, effective leaders.
- Be healthy and fit, enjoying abundant energy.
- Create and enjoy financial stability.
- And more…
We will achieve our robust goals because we have:
- Over 40 years of experience building and executing similar projects.
- Proven Systems and Processes.
- High-quality proprietary curriculum: 12 Courses; 7 books; over 200 videos (with new content added continually).
- Qualified trainers in every state (currently 1 trainer/state).
- Women to educate women across America, and the knowledge of how to enroll many more.
- Online training expertise.
- Live seminar/event expertise (400+ live events from 2008 – 2020).
- Media (radio, podcast, video, etc.) expertise.
- InternationalWomensDay.org and International Women’s Day events across America to use as massive marketing tools (International Women’s Day is the largest women’s holiday in the world).
The WEWF System and Process
- The women in every community across America who do not have the means to pay for this training are invited to attend online (or live) Women of Excellence, Women of Faith (These women are easy to find and they yearn for help.)
- The Women of Excellence, Women of Faith training opportunity can be announced in churches, adult education programs, women’s organizations like the YWCA, etc.
- National media campaigns, using radio, television, billboards, etc. can announce the opportunity for women to be educated/ trained/ taught.
- Women will respond by going to the website where they complete an online application. (Some may need help with this step, but participants will need to access a computer at a library, school, or community center, to be able to participate in this program.)
- Each applicant may participate, if she meets our qualifications.
- After approval, participants are enrolled in the WEWF Program and directed to their online Welcome Session, Courses, etc.
- Once a week all participants can join a WEWF Training on Zoom, presented by one (or more) of the qualified WEWF Educators.
- Once a week, participants can join a WEWF Question-and-Answer Group Call, so women will get their questions answered, and they will feel supported.
- There will be a Women of Excellence, Women of Faith Facebook page so participants can share, chat, and network with each other.
- There will be a syndicated Women of Excellence, Women of Faith Radio Show (live) that airs across America.
- There will be a WEWF Podcast Show (online) that airs internationally.
- With funding, there could be a Women of Excellence, Women of Faith TV Show, where women share their success stories and receive gifts (from sponsors), etc.
All donations are tax-deductible. Funds are contributed to the nonprofit 501(c)(3) Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative, with headquarters in Saratoga Springs, Utah, and (soon) Los Angeles, CA.
We look forward to connecting with you!
Questions? Dr. Paula Fellingham, Director
1-866 GO WOMEN (469-6636)