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Women and Girls Doing Good Deeds


Good Deeds Day is an annual tradition of good deeds. All over the world, hundreds of thousands choose to volunteer and help others, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world.


Good Deeds Day was initiated in 2007 by businesswoman and philanthropist, Shari Arison, and launched and organized by Ruach Tova (NGO), a part of The Ted Arison Family Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Arison Group. “I believe that if people will think good, speak good and do good, the circles of goodness will grow in the world. Good Deeds Day has become the leading day of giving and this year individuals, school children, students, soldiers and employees from many businesses are joining in for the annual Good Deeds Day with the aim of doing a good deed for others,” says Shari Arison.


Good Deeds Day is taking over the world!
Since its launch in 2007, this annual tradition of good has grown from 7,000 participants in 2007 in Israel to almost 1 million in 2015. Going global in 2011 with 10 international cities, including many in the USA, Good Deeds Day began uniting people all over the world. In 2012, we reached Europe and teamed up with MTV Global for a six-week-campaign on its online and TV platforms, exposing the message to 24 million viewers around the world. In 2013, 16,000 volunteers from 50 countries took part in hundreds of projects, including a kick off with ABC Network in NYC. Next, Good Deeds Day doubled in reach in 2014, partnering for the second year in a row with ABC Network NYC, and collaborating with leading volunteer organizations as part of a grand scale campaign involving TV, radio, and social media. 500,000 people took part in Israel and some 35,000 globally.

Good Deeds Day continued to gain momentum and held its largest day yet on April 15, 2018. 3,500,000 participants from 100 countries took part in Good Deeds Day, totaling over 7 million hours of service.

Good Deeds Day 2019 will take place on April 7.
Good Deeds Day 2020 will take place on March 29.

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