Rotary Action Group for Peace
Dr. Paula Fellingham, Founder of the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative, is also a dedicated Rotarian who loves the Rotary motto: Service Above Self.
As a member of the Rotary Action Group for Peace Education Committee, Paula is passionate about working with the RAG for Peace to provide a PEACE PROGRAM for every Rotary Club worldwide to share with their members.
The plan is for all 33,000 Rotary Clubs in over 200 nations to present a PEACE PROGRAM – called “PEACE IS POSSIBLE” – during one of their Club meetings in 2018 – 2019.
The Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative team is honored to support this Rotarian effort because our missions are in perfect alignment.
Rotarian Action Group for Peace Serve as a resource to Rotarians, Rotary clubs, and districts by supporting the peace work of Rotarians worldwide.
Leadership for Peace
The worldwide interest in building a Rotarian peace coalition is significant and always growing. The need for a vehicle to provide centralized resources to Rotarians to plan and implement large-scale, community development and humanitarian service projects in the areas of war prevention, peacebuilding, peacekeeping and peacemaking is apparent. As the international peace system is continually strengthening, the time is right for further Rotarian leadership and involvement on peace issues.
Globally, every community has a role to play in advancing world understanding, tolerance, empathy, goodwill and peace. Join our results-focused network to gain powerful ideas, in-depth knowledge and direct means for action that align with the Rotary mission and strategic plan. Together, we can be a major factor in affecting policies on peace.
Our Commitment
The Rotarian Action Group for Peace is committed to providing the tools for our members to pursue their passion for peace. We offer resources that provide knowledge, ideas, networks and support for advancing world peace and understanding.