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Uganda photo of villagers listening to Gerald Nasasira teach
Uganda photo of Dr Gilbert
Paula in Uganda with women and children after teaching the women
Paula in Uganda teaching women
Uganda photo of villagers being taught

Many thousands of individuals and families have been strengthened and helped as part of the educational and medical outreach of the Global Prosperity and Peace’s UGANDA INITIATIVE.


This Initiative is directed by Dr. Paula Noble Fellingham, Founder and Director.


Dr. Gilbert Beingana and his team of four travel from village to village throughout Western Uganda providing medical care and education. Dr. Beingana and his team give immunizations, they teach women about prenatal and after-birth care, they educate villagers on illness prevention, they teach many principles of health and provide whatever medical aid is needed, and possible, in each village. 


Gerald Nasasira and his team travel throughout Western Uganda teaching at schools, universities, community centers, and organizations. Gerald teaches principles of self-development, self-reliance, how to  strengthen marriage and family relationships, and more, from Dr. Fellingham’s books and courses.


Many testimonials, additional photos, and a more detailed explanation of the Uganda Initiative are available upon request.

Photo of a friend in Uganda - we're the same age



“We thank the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative for promoting peace and harmony, and for protecting and promoting Human Rights. We also award GPPI Founder, Dr. Paula Fellingham, the International Woman of Courage Award.”

 The India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice

Dr. Paula and the GPPI Team, thank you for all your support during 2017​. Our ambitious journey in spreading smile​s​ ​i​n everyone’s lives has ​brought​ a number of successful achievements and milestones. Let’s welcome 2018 with a pride of the past and spirit of our future.​ C​ollectively giving of charity and time has produced far reaching results towards saving lives and helping the less fortunate.​ ​I wish to be together and work with Peace​ ​Initiative for ​my ​whole life. I also appreciate​​ the support towards people in need, generous support towards Education for orphan and disable​d​ has delivered quality results and sustainable living to them. This planet need our humanity, need us to put our positive resources into work so that Peace is certain. Thank you very much​ and accept my deepest love. We are hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder​,​ to spread the smile and love all over.

Shabir Ullah Khan – National Peace Abassador – Islamabad, Pakistan

​”I am delighted to be part of this big effort and ​Initiative. Dr. Paula’s leadership and passion made all this possible. Thank you for the opportunity. I´m sure that events next year will be held with more and more people​, touching ​even more lives​ and changing for ​the ​better a lot of brothers and sisters around the globe. We are ready. ​T​he moment is now! Thanks Paula!​”

Jorge Cuesta, National Peace Ambassador – Monterrey, Mexico

“I am​ Amal Shams from Rotary ​C​lub of Chouf ( Mount Lebanon)​.​ I was so lucky to attend a joint meeting with Rotary Club of Beirut Center​… I was so lucky to hear your presentation​. You are a great representative to peace, love and care​. Your words, your voice and your actions are what we need in these difficult days.​ ​I wish I’ll be able to meet you one day.​”

“Being an Oregon Ambassador for the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative has given me the opportunity to connect with and surround myself with people whose approach to life is at a much higher, more grace-filled and positive level than average. It’s given ​me​ the opportunity to get more involved in causes that matter to me. And, because I am surrounded by these amazing individuals within my own community, it’s given me the courage to stretch my own wings, do things I haven’t done before, and raise my voice for the sake of people and causes that need change. As a Regional Director, I’m able to support and touch lives I would never have had contact with before. It makes the worlds’ issues feel more real, more personal, and closer to home. Being a part of GPPI makes the world a smaller place, makes my family feel bigger, and inspires me to be more involved in creating a world that can work for all.”

​ ​
Lori Anne Rising, GPPI Regional Director – USA

“​At the Peace Summit organised at the Nile Dialogue Platform offices in Kampala, I felt great joy and pride as a National Peace Ambassador​ as I read Dr​.​ Paula Fellingham​’s​ speech to the participants.​ ​I was comfortable as the audience listened with interest​,​ an​d​ what I was reading I identified with​. It ​was knowledge I cherished.​ ​It was no surprise that other speakers referred back to the speech and asked me to read parts of it. The speech applies to individual personal lives without discrimination. It leaves one anxious to get out and share new knowledge with great hope that love, peace and prosperity are possible in a struggling democracy of Uganda.​”​

Peace Kyamureku, Kampala, Uganda​

“We thank the Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative for promoting peace and harmony, and for protecting and promoting Human Rights. We also award GPPI Founder, Dr. Paula Fellingham, the International Woman of Courage Award.”

– The India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice

​”​It was a wonderful day for us to celebrate the ​P​eace ​E​vent​…​We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. Peace is the fruit of love, so, we have to plant it, to grow it, and to harvest it. This is what we have done during the ​P​eace ​D​​ay.​”

Juma Suleiman Juma, GPPI National Peace Ambassador, Tanzania

Thank you so much Ma’am (Dr. Paula) for organizing this very successful conference. your excellent management of what has turned out to be a successful and highly stimulating conference. I am sure that everyone must have told you this. Such a conference involves enormous amounts of time and energy Your conference has been a great success in all possible respects. Really, Ma’am I enjoyed the conference very much; interesting talks, nice participants and the wonderful management. i hope you will continue the series and I wish you all the best with that.

MOHD VASIM ~ Delhi, India

“​Paula, you have enough love in your heart to encircle the world.”​

Jan Altman



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