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What would the world be like if, in the hearts and homes of humanity, there was an abundance of love, prosperity, and peace?

Our mission is “to increase love, prosperity, and peace on Earth.”

  1. The Peace Initiative was launched at the Second World Parliament on Spirituality on November 17 – 20, 2016, in Salt Lake City, Utah See for photos and an explanation of the event.
  2. A Master Action Plan (a Prosperity and Peace MAP) will be implemented in 196 nations. Carefully selected Regional Directors, Peace Ambassadors and National Peace Ambassadors are being chosen from 196 nations to help implement the Initiative.
  3. Our teams are well-organized and will stay connected through online forums and social media, webinars, annual Peace Summits held in each nation on Peace Day (Sept 21st) etc. To implement the Peace Initiative we will collaborate with individuals, local leaders, organizations, businesses, schools, parents, etc.
  4. There will be measurements in place to measure progress. A Global Prosperity and Peace Initiative Study is being prepared by experienced statisticians to regularly measure progress.

Here is the website:

Together, and with like-hearted individuals and organizations worldwide, we can “increase the love, prosperity, and peace on Earth.”

I send you my love…..

Dr. Paula Fellingham

Director, Prosperity and Peace Initiative – Email: